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At Brookview it is our desire to partner with families to help them grow in their ability to walk with Christ together. We believe that parents on their own and the church on its own aren’t as powerful as the two forces combined together, therefore, we encourage parents to put themselves in places where they are growing in Christ and are bringing that growth into their homes in intentional ways. At church on Sundays we are committed to programming that is oriented toward your child’s heart. We don’t want our kids to simply know the Bible, we want them to know Jesus and what a relationship with him can look like. We want them to begin developing a rich faith of their own that impacts how they live and love those around them.​



Our children's programs, ages birth thru 6th grade, are held in the downstairs area of our church. There will be a table to sign your kids in at as well as give us some information about your child.  Our check-in and drop-off opens 15 minutes prior to the start of church and only volunteer staff are beyond the room divider. All of our volunteers have had background checks done prior to working with kids. If you would like to experience our children's program with your child, or get them settled in, we would love to welcome you into our space, but please make prior arrangements, by emailing, so that the only adults in our programs are those who have had background checks and prior training. 


We have a volunteer team that would love to be with your baby as soon as you are ready to leave them with us during church. The purple banner room is equipped with age appropriate toys and is a safe place for your child to learn to be away from you while you are in church on Sundays. If you aren't ready for that yet, we have a video-feed in our Cry Room in the upstairs building near the front doors to care for your child(ren) in that space while being a part of church on Sundays.

2-4 YEARS:

Our green classroom is a pre-school-like setting, where your toddler will get to enjoy free-play as they interact with other kids their age. They will have a short circle-time directed by a teacher who is helping them develop self-control as they sit on a mat. We love to watch these kids grow confidence in sharing their ideas and stories, as well as learn to listen to other people talk while they patiently listen. Children graduate to the school-age class when they enter Kindergarten each Fall.

SCHOOL-AGE (K - 6th grade):

Each Sunday, your school-aged kids will gather with peers and adult volunteer leaders to join in group games, engage in video-based lessons, and meet with a small group to take what they are learning from head to heart to external action. Every classroom checks-in past the room divider in the downstairs building (only our volunteer team with background checks are allowed past the divider at drop-off), and pick-up happens in the classroom that your child's name is listed on (posted outside of the classroom door). 



Middle & High School students attend church with their parents on Sunday mornings and have a separate gathering on Sunday nights from 6:30-8:00P at the church in the downstairs building.  If you would like more information, please contact Jen Huguenin, who oversees our middle/high school student ministry.

At Brookview, we desire to partner with parents in each developmental stage of your child(ren) and will do all that we know to do to support, and equip you in your parenting journey as well as be present as you and your kids are a part of the greater Brookview family.  

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*Download the Parent Cue
App for parent resources and the ability to follow along with our weekly curriculum for school age, middle school, & high school students

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